The Grant Notification Service from the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) lists grant opportunities in education sciences. To submit a grant proposal, contact WCER Director Courtney Bell to receive permission to work through—and, if funded, have the project housed in—WCER. Include the following required information:
- Funding agency
- Name of competition and link to the request for proposal (RFP)
- Submission deadline
- Principal investigator (PI)
- Co-PI(s) (if any)
- Estimated length of project, and budget
- Indicate if WCER is the prime submitting institution or if this is a subcontract
- Short description of your project
Additional information is available on the MyWCER Grants & Contracts page. If you intend to pursue foundation opportunities and would like assistance, please contact Brenna Graham, the School of Education’s Director of Development for Foundation Relations.
Proposals for Program Evaluations
Brady Education Foundation
The Foundation is currently accepting Research Project proposals and Existing Program Evaluation proposals for up to 3 years that have the potential to provide data that will inform how to address disparities in educational opportunities associated with race, ethnicity, and family income. There is a two-stage application process. Stage 2 is by invitation only.
Deadline: Stage 1 proposals due by April 1, August 1, and December 1, 2023
TOEFL Committee of Examiners (COE) Research Program
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
TOEFL COE research grants are intended to support research on topics related to the TOEFL iBT® test, the TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series and the TOEFL® Essentials™ test, promoting high-quality language assessment research as judged by the COE and ETS. Studies involving the collection of new empirical data can normally be funded up to $100,000. Research topics: 1) Innovations in language learning, teaching, and assessment; 2) Test score validity, interpretation, and use; 3) English-medium instruction; 4) Test-taker perspectives; 5) Other.
Deadline: Intent form due April 15, 2023; full proposal due July 15, 2023
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF encourages bold, potentially transformative projects that address immediate challenges facing STEM education at two-year colleges and/or anticipate new structures and functions of the STEM learning and teaching enterprise. This program description is a targeted approach for advancing innovative and evidence-based practices in undergraduate STEM education at two-year colleges. It also seeks to support systemic approaches to advance inclusive and equitable STEM education practices.
Deadline: May 1, 2023
Research Grants on Reducing Inequality
William T. Grant Foundation (WTG)
This program supports research to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5–25 in the United States. WTG prioritizes studies that aim to reduce inequalities that exist along dimensions of race, ethnicity, economic standing, language minority status, or immigrant origins.
Deadline: Letter of inquiry due May 3, 2023
Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence
William T. Grant Foundation (WTG)
This program supports research on strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit young people ages 5–25 in the United States. WTG wants to know what it takes to produce useful research evidence, what it takes to get research used, and what happens when research is used. WTG welcomes letters of inquiry for studies that pursue one of these broad aims.
Deadline: Letter of inquiry due May 3, 2023
New call for pre-proposals: Sloan Centers for Systemic Change (SCSC) Grant Program
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The foundation will award seed grants of up to $250,000 to U.S. STEM doctoral programs advancing systemic change to dramatically increase diversity, foster inclusion, and close equity gaps, with the potential for large-scale, long-term investment to follow. SCSC seed grants will allow institutions to put in place new projects—and strengthen existing ones—to improve participation rates, experiences, and outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and Latina/o/x populations, as for all students. This work will pursue systemic change at the university, college, and departmental levels, and as such, project designs will incorporate cross-departmental collaboration and leadership as primary drivers of project activities. Informational Webinars: March 7, 4:00-5:00 PM ET (Register here); March 24, 3:00-4:00 PM ET (Register here)
Deadline: Pre-proposals due May 5, 2023
The International Research Foundation (TIRF) for English Language Education
TIRF’s aim is to generate new knowledge and to collect and organize existing knowledge about the teaching and learning of English for the purposes of informing educational policy; improving classroom practices; and, ultimately, expanding educational, occupational, and social opportunities for individuals in a global society.
Deadline: May 17, 2023
Healthier Kids for Our Future Mental Health Grant
Cigna Foundation
The goal is to supplement existing mental health programming – and help close gaps both within and outside the school environment – to address loneliness, anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention. Cigna funds programs that foster collaboration between school administrators and teachers, clinicians, and local and national nonprofits to address mental health and emotional well-being challenges for children.
Deadline: Full application by invitation only; submit an Interest Inquiry Form